Baeva I.A., Bazhenova M.D., Bannikov G.S., Vikhristiuk O.V., Gayazova L.A.Baeva I.A.Baeva I.A., Bazhenova M.D., Bannikov G.S., Vikhristiuk O.V., Gayazova L.A., Bazhenova M.D.Baeva I.A., Bazhenova M.D., Bannikov G.S., Vikhristiuk O.V., Gayazova L.A., Bannikov G.S.
et al.
Psychological safety of scool enviroment and adolescents attitude to life: theses //
Materials of Scientific Conference « ICPE 2018 - International conference on psychology and education»
(Moscow, 25-26 июня 2018 г.) /
Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education.
Moscow: Future Academy , 2018. P. 75-82.
Ключевые слова:
psychological safety -
adolescent -
school students -
hopelessness -
social interactions