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Поиск по ключевому автору: Kan I.

Kan I.Kan I.Kan I.Kan I. Therapy of sexual somatization disorders in males: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «10th Congress of the Association of European Psychiatrists» (Prague, October 28 - November 1, 2000) / The Association of European Psychiatrists. Prague, Czech Republic: The Association of European Psychiatrists, 2000. P. 432s.

Ключевые слова: therapy - sexual - somatization - disorders - males

Kan I.Kan I.Kan I.Kan I. Clinical presentation and therapy of sexual somatization disorders in males: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «9th Congress of Association of European Psychiatrists» (Copenhagen, 20-24 September 1998) / The Association of European Psychiatrists. Copenhagen: The Association of European Psychiatrists, 1998. P. 287s.

Ключевые слова: clinical - therapy - sexual - somatization disorders - males

Kan I.Kan I.Kan I.Kan I. Disturbing reactions in men with sexual diseases: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «X World Congress of Psychiatry» (Madrid, August 23-28, 1996) / The Association of European Psychiatrists. Madrid, Spain: The Association of European Psychiatrists, 1996. P. 78.

Ключевые слова: disturbing reactions - sexual diseases - anxiety - antidepressants - treatment

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