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Поиск по ключевому автору: Koren E

Koren EKoren EKoren EKoren E Age-related aspects of child and adolescence psychopathology: towards a new classification: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «International conference “From Adolescence to Adulthood: Normal and Psychopathology”. » (Larnaca, Cyprus, 2010.) / WPA regional Meeting . Larnaca, 2010. P. .

Ключевые слова: - - - -

Koren EKoren EKoren EKoren E Depressive disorders in children: towards a new classification: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «Traditions and innovations in psychiatry» (10- 12 June 2010, St. Peterburg) / WPA regional Meeting . St. Peterburg, 2010. P. .

Ключевые слова: - - - -

Koren EKoren EKoren EKoren E Psychosocial rehabilitation in child psychiatry : theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «15th World Congress of Psychiatry» (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18 -22 September, 2011) / World Psychiatric Association . Buenos Aires, 2011. P. 114.

Ключевые слова: - - - -

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