Поиск по ключевому автору: Pallucchini A.
Vannucchi G., Medda P., Pallucchini A., Bertellib M., Angst J., Azorine J.M., Bowdenf C., Vietag E., Young A.H., Mosolov S., Perugi G.Vannucchi G.Vannucchi G., Medda P., Pallucchini A., Bertellib M., Angst J., Azorine J.M., Bowdenf C., Vietag E., Young A.H., Mosolov S., Perugi G., Medda P.Vannucchi G., Medda P., Pallucchini A., Bertellib M., Angst J., Azorine J.M., Bowdenf C., Vietag E., Young A.H., Mosolov S., Perugi G., Pallucchini A.
et al.
The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolarity and mixed features in major depressive patients: evidence from the BRIDGE-II-Mix study //
Journal of affective disorders.
2019. Vol. 246. P. 346-354.
Ключевые слова:
attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder -
depression -
bipolar disorder -
mixed features -
affectivei nstability
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