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Поиск по ключевому автору: Reed G.M.

Rebello T.J., Kulygina M.A., Krasnov V.N., Pike K.M., Reed G.M.Rebello T.J.Rebello T.J., Kulygina M.A., Krasnov V.N., Pike K.M., Reed G.M., Kulygina M.A.Rebello T.J., Kulygina M.A., Krasnov V.N., Pike K.M., Reed G.M., Krasnov V.N. et al. Engagement of Russian Mental Health Professionals in the Development of WHO’s ICD-11 // Consortium Psychiatricum . 2021. Vol.2, N 2. P. 17-22.

Ключевые слова: WHO - mental disorder - ICD-11 - classification - clinical utility

Guler J., Roberts M.C., Medina-Mora M.E., Robles R., Gureje O., Keeley J.W., Kogan C., Sharan P., Khoury B., Pike K.M., Kulygina M., Krasnov V.N., Matsumoto C., Stein D., Min Z.H.A.O., Maruta T., Reed G.M.Guler J.Guler J., Roberts M.C., Medina-Mora M.E., Robles R., Gureje O., Keeley J.W., Kogan C., Sharan P., Khoury B., Pike K.M., Kulygina M., Krasnov V.N., Matsumoto C., Stein D., Min Z.H.A.O., Maruta T., Reed G.M., Roberts M.C.Guler J., Roberts M.C., Medina-Mora M.E., Robles R., Gureje O., Keeley J.W., Kogan C., Sharan P., Khoury B., Pike K.M., Kulygina M., Krasnov V.N., Matsumoto C., Stein D., Min Z.H.A.O., Maruta T., Reed G.M., Medina-Mora M.E. et al. Global collaborative team performance for the revision of the international classification of diseases: a case study of the world health organization field studies coordination group // International journal of clinical and health psychology. 2018. Vol. 18, N 3. P. 189-200.

Ключевые слова: collaborative teamwork - world health organization - WHO - international classification of diseases - ICD

Reed G.M., First M.B., Kogan C.S., ..., Krasnov V.N. et al.Reed G.M.Reed G.M., First M.B., Kogan C.S., ..., Krasnov V.N. et al., First M.B.Reed G.M., First M.B., Kogan C.S., ..., Krasnov V.N. et al., Kogan C.S. et al. Innovations and changes in the ICD-11 classification of mental, behavioural and neuro developmental disorders // World Psychiatry. 2019. Vol. 18, № 1. P. 3-19.

Ключевые слова: International Classification of Diseases - ICD-11 - diagnosis - mental disorders - clinical utility

Reed G.M., Rebello T.J., First M.B., Krasnov V.N., Kulygina M. et al.Reed G.M.Reed G.M., Rebello T.J., First M.B., Krasnov V.N., Kulygina M. et al., Rebello T.J.Reed G.M., Rebello T.J., First M.B., Krasnov V.N., Kulygina M. et al., First M.B. et al. Clinical utility of Icd-11 diagnostic guidelines for high-burden mental disorders: results from mental health settings in 13 countries // World Psychiatry. 2018. Vol. 17, № 3. P. 306-315.

Ключевые слова: ICD-11 - mental health - psychotic disorders - stress - diagnostic guidelines

Reed G.M., Saran P., Rebello T.J., ..., Krasnov V.N., ..., Kulygina M.A., ...Reed G.M.Reed G.M., Saran P., Rebello T.J., ..., Krasnov V.N., ..., Kulygina M.A., ..., Saran P.Reed G.M., Saran P., Rebello T.J., ..., Krasnov V.N., ..., Kulygina M.A., ..., Rebello T.J. et al. The ICD-11 developmental field study of reliability of diagnoses of high-burden mental disorders: results among adult patients in mental health settings of 13 countries // World Psychiatry. 2018. Vol. 17. P. 174-186.

Ключевые слова: ICD-11 - classification - mood disorders - social anxiety disorder - schizophrenia

Kulygina M.A., Ponizovskiy P.A, Karpenko O.A., Keeley J.W., Reed G.M.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A., Ponizovskiy P.A, Karpenko O.A., Keeley J.W., Reed G.M., Ponizovskiy P.AKulygina M.A., Ponizovskiy P.A, Karpenko O.A., Keeley J.W., Reed G.M., Karpenko O.A. et al. Preparation and preliminary results of the case controlled field studies of the ICD-11 mental and behavioral disorders in Russian // International Journal of Psychology. 2016. Vol. 51, S1. P. 9.

Ключевые слова: ICD-11 - classification - - -

Reed G.M., Rebello T.J., Pike K.M., Medina-Mora M.E., Gureje O., Zhao M., Dai Y., Roberts M.C., Maruta T., Matsumoto Ch., Krasnov V.N., Kulygina M.A. et al.Reed G.M.Reed G.M., Rebello T.J., Pike K.M., Medina-Mora M.E., Gureje O., Zhao M., Dai Y., Roberts M.C., Maruta T., Matsumoto Ch., Krasnov V.N., Kulygina M.A. et al., Rebello T.J.Reed G.M., Rebello T.J., Pike K.M., Medina-Mora M.E., Gureje O., Zhao M., Dai Y., Roberts M.C., Maruta T., Matsumoto Ch., Krasnov V.N., Kulygina M.A. et al., Pike K.M. et al. WHOs Global Clinical Practice Network for mental health // The Lancet Psychiatry. 2015. Vol. 2, N 5. P. 379-380.

Ключевые слова: mental health - Clinical Practice - WHO - psychiatry -

Nota bene




© МНИИП - филиал ФГБУ «НМИЦ ПН им. В.П. Сербского» Минздрава России, 2012-2020