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Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N. Mental health care in Russia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XV Congress of Serbian Psychiatric Association» (Belgrade, 12-15 October 2016) / Serbian Psychiatric Association. Belgrade, 2016. P. 42.

Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N. Long-term mental health consequences of Chernobyl disaster - 30 years study of clean-up workers cohort: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XV Congress of Serbian Psychiatric Association» (Belgrade, 12-15 October 2016) / Serbian Psychiatric Association. Belgrade, 2016. P. 34.

Kulygina M.A., Semiglazova M.V.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A., Semiglazova M.V., Semiglazova M.V.Kulygina M.A., Semiglazova M.V. Mental health care on primary level for students under the terrorist act: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «III Congress of the PAEEB» (Belgrade, 18-21 April, 2012) / Serbian Psychiatric Association. Belgrade, 2012. P. 59.

Antipova O., Trophimova O., Emelyanova I.Antipova O.Antipova O., Trophimova O., Emelyanova I., Trophimova O.Antipova O., Trophimova O., Emelyanova I., Emelyanova I. The functional activity of autonomic nervous system and endogenious opioid system in endogenomorphic depression: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XIV National Congress of the Serbian Psychiatric Association and III Congress of the Psychiatric Association for Eastern Europe and Balkans "Psychiatry for a changing world"» (Belgrade, Serbia, 18-21 April 2012) / . Belgrade, 2012. P. 90-91.

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