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Koren, E.V.Koren, E.V.Koren, E.V.Koren, E.V. Depressive disorders in children from perspective of current and future classifications: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «Traditions and innovations in psychiatry» (St Petersburg, 10-12 июня 2010 г.) / World Psychiatric Association et al . St Petersburg, 2010. P. 85-86.

Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A. Age-related stress and women mental health in menopause: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «Traditions and Innovations in Psychiatry: WPA Regional Meeting Materials» (St Petersburg, 10-12 June, 2010) / The V.M. Bekhterev Inst.. St Petersburg, 2010. P. 164.

Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A. Student mental health in primary care: early diagnosis and prevention. - Traditions and Innovations in Psychiatry: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «WPA Regional Meeting Materials» (St Petersburg, 10-12 June, 2010) / The V.M Bekhterev Inst.. St Petersburg, 2010. P. 155.

Antipova O. Antipova O. Antipova O. Antipova O. Projective hypnotherapy in the treatment og endogenous depressive disorders: тез. докл. // Сб. материалов науч. конф. «15th World Congress of the World association for dynamic psychiatry (WADP) "What is new in psychiatry and psychotherapy? Creative demension in modern treatmen"» (St Petersburg, 14-18 th May 2007) / . St Petersburg: Изд-во "Человек и его здоровье", 2007. С. 6-7.

Trushchelev S.A.Trushchelev S.A.Trushchelev S.A.Trushchelev S.A. Psychoeducation and insight in schizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «Traditions and Innovations in Psychiatry» (10-12 June 2010, St Petersburg) / World Psychiatric Association. St Petersburg, 2010. P. 528-529.

Prytova Y., Trushchelev S.A.Prytova Y.Prytova Y., Trushchelev S.A., Trushchelev S.A.Prytova Y., Trushchelev S.A. Basic information sources in disease reversal: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «WPA Regional Congress "Traditions and Innovations in Psychiatry"» (St Petersburg, 10-12 June 2010) / World Psychiatric Association. St Petersburg, 2010. P. 463-464.

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