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Поиск по ключевому слову: Student mental health

Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A. Student mental health: psychological problems and psychosocial support // Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2011. Vol. 4, Suppl. 1. P. 17-18.

Ключевые слова: Student mental health - Psychological problems and psychosocial support - - -

Kulygina M.A., Semiglazova M.V.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A., Semiglazova M.V., Semiglazova M.V.Kulygina M.A., Semiglazova M.V. Psychocorrection and psychoprophylactics on the primary level for student mental health: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «Nordic Congress of Psychiatry» (Tromso, 5-8 June, 2012) / Tromsø Event AS. Tromso, 2012. P. 22-23.

Ключевые слова: Psychocorrection and psychoprophylactics - Student mental health - - -

Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A. Student mental health: which kind of problems is prevailing? – From adolescence to adulthood: Normality and psychopathology : theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «International Conference Abstracts , 9-12 September, 2010, Larnaca, Cyprus» (Larnaca, 9-12 September, 2010) / Cyprus Psychiatric Association with the collaboration of WPA. Larnaca, 2010. P. .

Ключевые слова: Student mental health - - - -

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