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Поиск по ключевому слову: depression

Grunze A. , Mosolov S., Grunze H., Born C.Grunze A. Grunze A. , Mosolov S., Grunze H., Born C., Mosolov S.Grunze A. , Mosolov S., Grunze H., Born C., Grunze H. и др. The detrimental effects of smoking on the course and outcome in adults with bipolar disorder—A narrative review // Front. Psychiatry.. 2023. Vol. 13(11). C. -.

Ключевые слова: bipolar disorder - depression - nicotine - mania - smoking

Mosolova E., Sosin D., Mosolov S.Mosolova E.Mosolova E., Sosin D., Mosolov S., Sosin D.Mosolova E., Sosin D., Mosolov S., Mosolov S. Stress, anxiety, depression and burnout in frontline healthcare workers during two peaks of COVID-19 pandemic in Russia // Psychiatry Research. 2021. Vol. 306, N 114226. P. 1-20.

Ключевые слова: stress - anxiety - depression - suicide - burnout

Mosolov SN, Yaltonskaya P.A.Mosolov SNMosolov SN, Yaltonskaya P.A., Yaltonskaya P.A.Mosolov SN, Yaltonskaya P.A. Primary and Secondary Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia. // Front. Psychiatry. 2021. Vol. 12, N 766692. P. 1-12.

Ключевые слова: schizophrenia - course trajectory - secondary negative symptoms - primary negative symptoms - depression

Lloyd C. E., Sartorius S., Ahmed H.U., Alvarez A., Bahendeka S., Bobrov A.E., Burti L., Chaturvedi S.K., Gaebel W., de Girolamo G., Gondek T.M., Guinzbourg M., Heinze M.G., Khan A., Kiejna A., Kokoszka A., Kamala T., Lalic N.M., Lecic-Tosevski D., Mannucci E., Mankovsky B., Müssig K., Mutiso V., Ndetei D., Nouwen A., Rabbani G., Srikanta S.S., Starostina E.G., Shevchuk M., Taj R., Valentini U., van Dam K., Vukovic O. and Wölwer W.Lloyd C. E.Lloyd C. E., Sartorius S., Ahmed H.U., Alvarez A., Bahendeka S., Bobrov A.E., Burti L., Chaturvedi S.K., Gaebel W., de Girolamo G., Gondek T.M., Guinzbourg M., Heinze M.G., Khan A., Kiejna A., Kokoszka A., Kamala T., Lalic N.M., Lecic-Tosevski D., Mannucci E., Mankovsky B., Müssig K., Mutiso V., Ndetei D., Nouwen A., Rabbani G., Srikanta S.S., Starostina E.G., Shevchuk M., Taj R., Valentini U., van Dam K., Vukovic O. and Wölwer W., Sartorius S.Lloyd C. E., Sartorius S., Ahmed H.U., Alvarez A., Bahendeka S., Bobrov A.E., Burti L., Chaturvedi S.K., Gaebel W., de Girolamo G., Gondek T.M., Guinzbourg M., Heinze M.G., Khan A., Kiejna A., Kokoszka A., Kamala T., Lalic N.M., Lecic-Tosevski D., Mannucci E., Mankovsky B., Müssig K., Mutiso V., Ndetei D., Nouwen A., Rabbani G., Srikanta S.S., Starostina E.G., Shevchuk M., Taj R., Valentini U., van Dam K., Vukovic O. and Wölwer W., Ahmed H.U. et al. Factors associated with the onset of major depressive disorder in adults with type 2 diabetes living in 12 different countries: results from the INTERPRET-DD prospective study // Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 2020. Vol. 29. P. 1-9.

Ключевые слова: depression - mental health - prospective study - psychological assessment - stress

Vannucchi G., Medda P., Pallucchini A., Bertellib M., Angst J., Azorine J.M., Bowdenf C., Vietag E., Young A.H., Mosolov S., Perugi G.Vannucchi G.Vannucchi G., Medda P., Pallucchini A., Bertellib M., Angst J., Azorine J.M., Bowdenf C., Vietag E., Young A.H., Mosolov S., Perugi G., Medda P.Vannucchi G., Medda P., Pallucchini A., Bertellib M., Angst J., Azorine J.M., Bowdenf C., Vietag E., Young A.H., Mosolov S., Perugi G., Pallucchini A. et al. The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolarity and mixed features in major depressive patients: evidence from the BRIDGE-II-Mix study // Journal of affective disorders. 2019. Vol. 246. P. 346-354.

Ключевые слова: attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder - depression - bipolar disorder - mixed features - affectivei nstability

Maslenikov N.A., Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N.Maslenikov N.A.Maslenikov N.A., Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N., Tsukarzi E.E.Maslenikov N.A., Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N., Mosolov S.N. Application of transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) for treatment-resistant depression in schizophrenia // European Psychiatry. 2019. Vol. 56, Suppl. P. 5311.

Ключевые слова: psychiatry - depression - schizophrenia - ICD-10 - Neurosoft

Uzbekov M.G., Shikhov S.Uzbekov M.G.Uzbekov M.G., Shikhov S., Shikhov S.Uzbekov M.G., Shikhov S. Ciliary neurotrophic factor disturbances in patients with melancholic depression // BioMedical. 2019. Vol. 13, N 3. P. 1/2-2/2.

Ключевые слова: neurotrophuc factor - CNTF - interleukin-6 - glial cells - depression

Perugi G.,, Angst J., Azorin J.‐M., Bowden C. L., Caciagli A., Mosolov S,. Vieta E., Young A.H. for the BRIDGE‐II‐Mix Study GroupPerugi G.,Perugi G.,, Angst J., Azorin J.‐M., Bowden C. L., Caciagli A., Mosolov S,. Vieta E., Young A.H. for the BRIDGE‐II‐Mix Study Group, Angst J.Perugi G.,, Angst J., Azorin J.‐M., Bowden C. L., Caciagli A., Mosolov S,. Vieta E., Young A.H. for the BRIDGE‐II‐Mix Study Group, Azorin J.‐M. et al. Relationships between mixed features and borderline personality disorder in 2811 patients with major depressive episode // Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2016. Vol. 133, Iss. 2. P. 133-143.

Ключевые слова: depression - депрессия - BPD - -

Uzbekov M., Syrejshchikova T., Smolina N., Brilliantova V., Dobretsov G., Krujkov V., Krasnov V. Uzbekov M.Uzbekov M., Syrejshchikova T., Smolina N., Brilliantova V., Dobretsov G., Krujkov V., Krasnov V. , Syrejshchikova T.Uzbekov M., Syrejshchikova T., Smolina N., Brilliantova V., Dobretsov G., Krujkov V., Krasnov V. , Smolina N. et al. Albumin binding-site alteration in melancholic depression under pharmacotherapy // European Psychiatry. 2018. Vol. 48, Suppl. P. S451.

Ключевые слова: depression - protein - - -

Veltishchev D., Lisitsyna T., Kovalevskaya O., Seravina O., Abramkin A., Ovcharov P. Veltishchev D.Veltishchev D., Lisitsyna T., Kovalevskaya O., Seravina O., Abramkin A., Ovcharov P. , Lisitsyna T.Veltishchev D., Lisitsyna T., Kovalevskaya O., Seravina O., Abramkin A., Ovcharov P. , Kovalevskaya O. et al. Anxiety-depressive spectrum and cognitive disorders rates in inflammatory rheumatic diseases // European Psychiatry. 2018. Vol. 48, Suppl. P. S260-S261.

Ключевые слова: Cognitive Disorders - Anxiety-Depressive Spectrum - Depression - -

Maslenikov N., Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N.Maslenikov N.Maslenikov N., Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N., Tsukarzi E.E.Maslenikov N., Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N., Mosolov S.N. Treatment-resistant depression in schizophrenia: clinical response predictors of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) // European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017. Vol. 27, Suppl. 4. C. S693-S694.

Ключевые слова: depression - transcranial magnetic stimulation - RTMS - Treatment-resistant - schizophrenia

Verdolini N., Perugi G., Samalin L., Murru A., Angst J., Azorin J.M., Bowden C.L., Mosolov S., Young A.H., Barbuti M., Guiso G., Popovic D., Vieta E., Pacchiarotti I.Verdolini N.Verdolini N., Perugi G., Samalin L., Murru A., Angst J., Azorin J.M., Bowden C.L., Mosolov S., Young A.H., Barbuti M., Guiso G., Popovic D., Vieta E., Pacchiarotti I., Perugi G.Verdolini N., Perugi G., Samalin L., Murru A., Angst J., Azorin J.M., Bowden C.L., Mosolov S., Young A.H., Barbuti M., Guiso G., Popovic D., Vieta E., Pacchiarotti I., Samalin L. и др. Is aggression a missed bipolar diagnostic feature in mixed depression? // European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017. Vol. 27., Suppl.4. C. S876-S877.

Ключевые слова: depression - aggression - missed bipolar diagnostic - -

Mnatsakanian E.V., Krjukov V.V., Antipova O.S., Krasnov V.N.Mnatsakanian E.V.Mnatsakanian E.V., Krjukov V.V., Antipova O.S., Krasnov V.N., Krjukov V.V.Mnatsakanian E.V., Krjukov V.V., Antipova O.S., Krasnov V.N., Antipova O.S. et al. Emotional modulation of CNV in unipolar vs bipolar depression during unconscious cue-picture association // Clinical Neurophysiology. 2016. Vol. 127, № 3. P. 94.

Ключевые слова: Neurophysiology - depression - клиническая психология - депрессия - психиатрия

Степанов И.Л., Моисейчева О.В.Степанов И.Л.Степанов И.Л., Моисейчева О.В., Моисейчева О.В.Степанов И.Л., Моисейчева О.В. Клинико-психопатологическая оценка факторов, влияющих на формирование повышенной озабоченности состоянием своего здоровья у больных с фазнопротекающими депрессивными состояниями // Психиатрия, психотерапия и клиническая психология. 2015. № 3 (21). C. 48-55.

Ключевые слова: депрессия - depression - ипохондрия - hypochondria - соматическая отягощенность, somatic burden

Uzbekov M.G., Maximova N.M.Uzbekov M.G.Uzbekov M.G., Maximova N.M., Maximova N.M.Uzbekov M.G., Maximova N.M. Biochemical Bases of Monoamine and Hormonal Interactions in Pathogenesis of Anxious Depression: a Hypothesis // European Psychiatry. 2015. Vol. 30, Suppl. 1. P. 542.

Ключевые слова: monoamones - cortisol - depression - biochemical mechanisms -

Артеменко А.Р., Куренков А.Л., Антипова О.С.Артеменко А.Р.Артеменко А.Р., Куренков А.Л., Антипова О.С., Куренков А.Л.Артеменко А.Р., Куренков А.Л., Антипова О.С., Антипова О.С. Диагностика и лечение хронической мигрени: монография. М.: , 2014. 206 c.

Ключевые слова: мигрень - депрессия - тревожные расстройства - migraine - depression

Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N. The generalized anxiety disorder and major depression over time // Diagnostic Issues in Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder: monograph / Eds D. Goldberg et al. Eds D. Goldberg et al.. Arlington: American Psychiatric Association, 2010. P. 171-177.

Ключевые слова: psychiatry - depression - anxiety disorder - mental health -

Maslenikov N., Tsukarzi E., Mosolov S.Maslenikov N.Maslenikov N., Tsukarzi E., Mosolov S., Tsukarzi E.Maslenikov N., Tsukarzi E., Mosolov S., Mosolov S. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) versus antidepressants as an add-on treatment for depression in schizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «31st ECNP Congress» (Barcelona, Spain, 6 - 9 October 2018) / European Psychiatric Association. Barcelona: Elsevier BV, 2019. P. s230-s231.

Ключевые слова: brain stimulation techniques - augmentation strategies - depression - schizophrenia - nonpharmacological methods of treatment

Maslenikov N.V, Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N.Maslenikov N.VMaslenikov N.V, Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N., Tsukarzi E.E.Maslenikov N.V, Tsukarzi E.E., Mosolov S.N., Mosolov S.N. Application of transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) for treatment-resistant depression in schizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «27th Eurepen congres of psychiatry» (Warsaw, Poland, 6-9 april 2019) / European Psychiatric Association. Warsaw: Elsevier science publishing company, Inc., 2. P. S 222.

Ключевые слова: depression - rTMS - quality of life - schizophrenia - pharmacotherapy

Kholmogorova A.B., Volikova S.V. Kholmogorova A.B.Kholmogorova A.B., Volikova S.V. , Volikova S.V. Kholmogorova A.B., Volikova S.V. Familiarer Kontext bei Depression und Angstörungen : theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «Conf. the association of European psychiatrists» (Copenhagen, 20-24 September, 1998) / The association of European psychiatrists. Copenhagen, 1998. S. 273.

Ключевые слова: Familiarer Kontext - Depression - Angstörungen - kulturellen Kontext - Angst

Antipova O. Antipova O. Antipova O. Antipova O. Projective hypnotherapy in the treatment og endogenous depressive disorders: тез. докл. // Сб. материалов науч. конф. «15th World Congress of the World association for dynamic psychiatry (WADP) "What is new in psychiatry and psychotherapy? Creative demension in modern treatmen"» (St Petersburg, 14-18 th May 2007) / . St Petersburg: Изд-во "Человек и его здоровье", 2007. С. 6-7.

Ключевые слова: hypnosis - treatment - depression - -

Mosolov S.N., Maslenikov N.V., Tsukarzi E.E.Mosolov S.N.Mosolov S.N., Maslenikov N.V., Tsukarzi E.E., Maslenikov N.V.Mosolov S.N., Maslenikov N.V., Tsukarzi E.E., Tsukarzi E.E. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for thr treatment of depression and negative symptoms in schizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «European Psychiatry, 24th ECNP Congress» (France, Paris, 3-7 September, 2011) / ECNP. France, Paris, 2011. P. .

Ключевые слова: rTMS - treatment of depression - negative symptoms - depression - schizophrenia

S. N. Mosolov, N. V. Maslenikov, E. E. TsukarziS. N. MosolovS. N. Mosolov, N. V. Maslenikov, E. E. Tsukarzi, N. V. MaslenikovS. N. Mosolov, N. V. Maslenikov, E. E. Tsukarzi, E. E. Tsukarzi Effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for depression and negative symptoms in schizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «10th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry» (Czech Republic, Prague, 1 June, 2011) / . Czech Republic, Prague, 2011. P. .

Ключевые слова: schizophrenia - negative symptoms - depression - rTMS -

Stepanov I.L., Goryacheva E.K.Stepanov I.L.Stepanov I.L., Goryacheva E.K., Goryacheva E.K.Stepanov I.L., Goryacheva E.K. Value structure of depression, personality traits in violation of the social-psychic functioning of patients : theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «MENTAL HEALTH IN A CHANGING WORLD» (Armenia, Yerevan, April 14-17, 2011) / WPA. Yerevan, 2011. P. 13.

Ключевые слова: depression - social functioning - personality traits - -

Krasnov V.N., Bobrov E., Dovzhenko T., Trasenko D.Krasnov V.N.Krasnov V.N., Bobrov E., Dovzhenko T., Trasenko D., Bobrov E.Krasnov V.N., Bobrov E., Dovzhenko T., Trasenko D., Dovzhenko T. et al. Interrelationships between depression, anxiety and cognitive deficit in primary care patients: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «Nordic Congress of Psychiatry» (Tromsø, June 5-8, 2012) / The Norwegian Psychiatric Association. Tromsø, 2012. P. 23.

Ключевые слова: Partnership - primary care - depression - anxiety -

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