Chistopolskaya K.A., Enikolopov S.N., Semikin G.I., Nikolaev E.V., Ponomarenko L.P., Kazanceva V.N.Chistopolskaya K.A.Chistopolskaya K.A., Enikolopov S.N., Semikin G.I., Nikolaev E.V., Ponomarenko L.P., Kazanceva V.N., Enikolopov S.N.Chistopolskaya K.A., Enikolopov S.N., Semikin G.I., Nikolaev E.V., Ponomarenko L.P., Kazanceva V.N., Semikin G.I.
et al.
Positive time-perspective as an alternative defense from death concerns: theses //
Materials of Scientific Conference «II International Conference on Time-Perspective "Diversity of Approaches, Unity of Passion"»
(Poland, Warsaw, 29th July - 1st August 2014) /
University of Warsaw, Department of Psychology.
Warsaw, 2014. P. 146-147.
Ключевые слова:
time-perspective -
wellbeing -
death attitudes -
death fears -