Поиск по ключевому слову: fluorescent probe
Gryzunov Yu, Koplik E., Smolina N., Kopaeva L., Dobretsov G, Sudakov K.Gryzunov YuGryzunov Yu, Koplik E., Smolina N., Kopaeva L., Dobretsov G, Sudakov K., Koplik E.Gryzunov Yu, Koplik E., Smolina N., Kopaeva L., Dobretsov G, Sudakov K., Smolina N.
et al.
Conformational properties of serum albumin binding sitesIn rats with different behaviour in the open field test //
The International Journal on the Biology of Stress.
2006. Vol.9, N 1. P. 59-60.
Ключевые слова:
acute stress -
albumin conformation -
binding sites -
fatty acids -
fluorescent probe