Rebello T.J., Kulygina M.A., Krasnov V.N., Pike K.M., Reed G.M.Rebello T.J.Rebello T.J., Kulygina M.A., Krasnov V.N., Pike K.M., Reed G.M., Kulygina M.A.Rebello T.J., Kulygina M.A., Krasnov V.N., Pike K.M., Reed G.M., Krasnov V.N.
et al.
Engagement of Russian Mental Health Professionals in the Development of WHO’s ICD-11 //
Consortium Psychiatricum .
2021. Vol.2, N 2. P. 17-22.
Ключевые слова:
mental disorder -
ICD-11 -
classification -
clinical utility