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Chizhova A.Chizhova A.Chizhova A.Chizhova A. Sex therapy and sexual disharmony: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1714.

Semenova N.D.Semenova N.D.Semenova N.D.Semenova N.D. Psychosocial treatment and enhancing motivation in schizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1615.

Polyakovskaya T.Polyakovskaya T.Polyakovskaya T.Polyakovskaya T. To the problem of menopausal minor psychiatric illness of climacterium: involutional hysteria (conceptions, typology, psychosomatic Relations): theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1055.

Parpara M., Ivanets N., Bobrov A.E., Starostina E.Parpara M.Parpara M., Ivanets N., Bobrov A.E., Starostina E., Ivanets N.Parpara M., Ivanets N., Bobrov A.E., Starostina E., Bobrov A.E. et al. Clinical features, personality and cognitive disturbances in patients with “Medically unexplained” symptoms: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1734.

Oleneva E.V., Mosolov S.N., Tsukarzi E.E., Alfimov P.V.Oleneva E.V.Oleneva E.V., Mosolov S.N., Tsukarzi E.E., Alfimov P.V., Mosolov S.N.Oleneva E.V., Mosolov S.N., Tsukarzi E.E., Alfimov P.V., Tsukarzi E.E. et al. Combination of ect and dibenzodiazepine antipsychotics improves treatment response in treatment-resistant schizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1270.

Govorin N.V., Mosolov S.N., Sheifer M.S., Otmakhov A.P., Ershova A.V., Otter K.Govorin N.V.Govorin N.V., Mosolov S.N., Sheifer M.S., Otmakhov A.P., Ershova A.V., Otter K., Mosolov S.N.Govorin N.V., Mosolov S.N., Sheifer M.S., Otmakhov A.P., Ershova A.V., Otter K., Sheifer M.S. et al. A multicenter non-interventional study to evaluate the use of observe allocation of atypical antipsychotics in the acute inpatient management of schizophrenia in Russia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 0305.

Kursakov A.A., Bobrov A.E.Kursakov A.A.Kursakov A.A., Bobrov A.E., Bobrov A.E.Kursakov A.A., Bobrov A.E. Depression from different perspectives: does the approach to symptoms evaluation determine core components of the disorder?: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1249.

Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A. Personality and somatic markers of adjustment disorders in university students: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1630.

Ishchenko D.A., Veltishchev D.Y., Alekberova Z.S., Lisitsyna T.A., Kovalevskaya O.B., Seravina O.F.Ishchenko D.A.Ishchenko D.A., Veltishchev D.Y., Alekberova Z.S., Lisitsyna T.A., Kovalevskaya O.B., Seravina O.F., Veltishchev D.Y.Ishchenko D.A., Veltishchev D.Y., Alekberova Z.S., Lisitsyna T.A., Kovalevskaya O.B., Seravina O.F., Alekberova Z.S. et al. Stressful life events history and mental disorders in behcet´s disease: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 1259.

Zaytseva Y., Garakh Z., Gurovich I.Y.A., Strelets V.B.Zaytseva Y.Zaytseva Y., Garakh Z., Gurovich I.Y.A., Strelets V.B., Garakh Z.Zaytseva Y., Garakh Z., Gurovich I.Y.A., Strelets V.B., Gurovich I.Y.A. et al. EEG alpha reactivity on eyes opening in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «22nd EPA Congress of Psychiatry "European Psychiatry Focusing on Body and Mind» (Munich, Germany, 1-4 March 2014) / European Psychiatric Association. Munich: S.n., 2014. P. 0702.

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