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Gurovich I.Ya., Shmukler A.B., Papsuev O.O., Zaytseva Y., Kuzin Y.A.Gurovich I.Ya.Gurovich I.Ya., Shmukler A.B., Papsuev O.O., Zaytseva Y., Kuzin Y.A., Shmukler A.B.Gurovich I.Ya., Shmukler A.B., Papsuev O.O., Zaytseva Y., Kuzin Y.A., Papsuev O.O. et al. Cognitive deficit dynamics in schizophrenia: integrative approach: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care"» (Madrid, Spain, September 14-18, 2014) / WPA. Madrid, Spain: Tilesa, 2014. P. 705.

Semenova N.D., Gurovich I.Ya., Rasskazova E., Papsuev O.O.Semenova N.D.Semenova N.D., Gurovich I.Ya., Rasskazova E., Papsuev O.O., Gurovich I.Ya.Semenova N.D., Gurovich I.Ya., Rasskazova E., Papsuev O.O., Rasskazova E. et al. Developing an outcome framework for measuring the impact of motivation enhancement: a report from a consensus development process: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care"» (Madrid, Spain, September 14-18, 2014) / WPA. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 2011.

Kulygina M.A., Tzarenko D., Semiglazova M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A., Tzarenko D., Semiglazova M.A., Tzarenko D.Kulygina M.A., Tzarenko D., Semiglazova M.A., Semiglazova M.A. Psychological and psychiatric care in mental health support programme for university students: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care» (Madrid, Spain, on September 14-18, 2014) / World Psychiatric Association. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 284-285.

Krasnov B.N., Kryukov V.V., Emeljanova I.N., Ryzhova I.A.Krasnov B.N.Krasnov B.N., Kryukov V.V., Emeljanova I.N., Ryzhova I.A., Kryukov V.V.Krasnov B.N., Kryukov V.V., Emeljanova I.N., Ryzhova I.A., Emeljanova I.N. et al. Chernobyl disasters mental health consequences: Integrated ways to resilience: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care» (Madrid, Spain, on September 14-18, 2014) / World Psychiatric Association. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 229-230.

Parpara M., Orlova M.A., Denisenko M., Smirnova D., Tukhvatullina D.Parpara M.Parpara M., Orlova M.A., Denisenko M., Smirnova D., Tukhvatullina D., Orlova M.A.Parpara M., Orlova M.A., Denisenko M., Smirnova D., Tukhvatullina D., Denisenko M. et al. Images of psychiatry and psychiatrists by medical educators in Russia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care» (Madrid, Spain, on September 14-18, 2014) / World Psychiatric Association. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 206-207.

Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A.Kulygina M.A. Student mental health and multistage prevention programme: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care» (Madrid, Spain, on September 14-18, 2014) / World Psychiatric Association. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 467.

Karpenko O.A., Christodoulou N.Karpenko O.A.Karpenko O.A., Christodoulou N., Christodoulou N.Karpenko O.A., Christodoulou N. The education and prevention intersectional collaboration (EPIC) project: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care» (Madrid, Spain, on September 14-18, 2014) / World Psychiatric Association. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 167.

Zaytseva Y.S., Garakh Z., Novototsky-Vlasov V., Gurovich I. Ya., Strelets V. Zaytseva Y.S.Zaytseva Y.S., Garakh Z., Novototsky-Vlasov V., Gurovich I. Ya., Strelets V. , Garakh Z.Zaytseva Y.S., Garakh Z., Novototsky-Vlasov V., Gurovich I. Ya., Strelets V. , Novototsky-Vlasov V. et al. Altered EEG MU-rhythm supression as a potential biomarker for shizophrenia: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care» (Madrid, Spain, on September 14-18, 2014) / World Psychiatric Association. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 54.

Antipova O.S., Krasnov V.N.Antipova O.S.Antipova O.S., Krasnov V.N., Krasnov V.N.Antipova O.S., Krasnov V.N. Neurobiological approach to the diagnosis and treatment optimization based on the study of the autonomic dysregulation: theses // Materials of Scientific Conference «XVI World Congress of Psychiatry "Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care» (Madrid, Spain, on September 14-18, 2014) / World Psychiatric Association. Madrid: Tilesa, 2014. P. 513.

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