Syrejshchikova T.I. Gryzunov Yu.A. Smolina N.V. Komar A.A., Uzbekov M.G., Misionzhnik E.Yu., Maximova N.M.
The efficiency of the therapy of psychiatric diseases is estimated using the fluorescence measure ments of the conformational changes of human serum albumin in the course of medical treatment. The flu orescence decay curves of the CAPIDAN probe (Ncarboxyphenylimide of the dimethylaminonaphthalic acid) in the blood serum are measured. The probe is specifically bound to the albumin drug binding sites and exhibits fluorescence as a reporter ligand. A variation in the conformation of the albumin molecule substan tially affects the CAPIDAN fluorescence decay curve on the subnanosecond time scale. FULL TEXT is in the attached file.
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