Veltishchev D.Yu. Lisitsyna T.A. Kovalevskaya O.B. Marchenko A.S., Seravina O.F., Zeltyn A.E., Drojdina E.N., Fofanova J.S., Krasnov V.N., Nasonov E.L.
WPA Regional Meeting Materials «Traditions and Innovations in Psychiatry
June 10–12, 2010, St Petersburg, Russia
World Psychiatric Association et al
The problem of interdisciplinary dialogs among rheumatology, psychiatry and medical psychology and the absence of effective models for such communication complicate the investigations in the field of mental disorders in rheumatology practice.
Psychopathology and treatment of depression in patients suffering systemic rheumatic
diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis)
is not investigated well and not methodologically generalized still.
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