Minyaycheva M. Gladyshev I. Papsuev O.
Apathy and amotivation are considered as the core features of negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. It’s well know that schizophrenia patients often lack insight into their symptoms. Insight bias affects self-representation, social functioning and social outcomes, reduces effects of psychosocial treatment and rehabilitation. Objective To research key aspects of insight into apathy depending on diagnostic categories in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The aim of the study was to analyze correlations of insight into apathy/amotivation with clinical symptoms, compliance with treatment and social cognition. Methods 103 patients with schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders were recruited to participate in the study. Only patients in stabilized state that met criteria of PANSS total score ≤ 80 points were included. Demographic data was collected along with the clinical description on prevailing symptoms during acute phase.
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