Mnatsakanian E.V. Sharaev M.G. Kryukov V.V. Antipova O.S., Krasnov V.N.
41s(2017) doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.02.321
Introduction The knowledge on brain mechanisms of psycho-
pathology can be very useful for the diagnosis and treatment of
Objectives Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) show
attention bias to the negative emotional stimuli. Automatic
(unconscious) emotional processing in such patients may become
a prospective biomarker for depression.
Aims We aimed at studying the EEG-correlates of unconscious
expectation of angry human faces in MDD patients compared to
healthy controls.
Methods 128-channelEEGwasrecordedinMDD(23femalesand
7 males) and in healthy volunteers (22 females and 8 males) while
were neutral and half were showing the faces of angry humans or
animals. The pictures were preceded by cues (one for each cate-
gory), which meaning was not explained to the participants. We
performed the wavelet analysis on EEG recorded during the face
expectation period: 1000–2000ms from the cue onset.
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