Murru A. Guiso G. Barbuti M. AnmellaA G., VerdoliniI N., Samalin L., Azorin J.M., Angst J.J., Bowden C.L., Mosolov S., Young A.H., Popovic D., Valdes M., Perugi G., Vieta E., Pacchiarotti I.
European Neuropsychopharmacology
According to the DSM-5, “reduction in the need for sleep” is the only sleep-related criteria for mixed features in depressive episodes. We aimed at studying the prevalence, clinical corre- lates and the role of hypersomnia in a sample of acutely depressed patients. Secondarily, we factors significantly increasing the odds of hypersomnia were studied. We conducted a post- hoc analysis of the BRIDGE-II-Mix study. Variables were compared between patients with hyper- somnia (SLEEP+) and with insomnia (SLEEP− ) with standard bivariate tests. A stepwise back- ward logistic regression model was performed with SLEEP+ as dependent variable.
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