Baeva I.A. Bazhenova M.D. Bannikov G.S. Vikhristiuk O.V., Gayazova L.A.
ICPE 2018 - International conference on psychology and education
Moscow, 25-26 июня 2018 г.
Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education
Psychological safety of the educational environment is a national priority since it is a prerequisite for harmonious development of a person and, ultimately, well-being of the nation. Safety of the school environment is presumed to be a major factor of psychological well-being of secondary- and high-school students; however, this dependence has not been empirically confirmed or analyzed in detail. Here, the psychological safety of the educational environment and the level of psychological well-being/ill-being were estimated in Russian adolescent school students aged 12–17 years. The adolescents psychological safety has been found to be at a satisfactory level, varying with age, whereas the level of hopelessness according to the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) is low.
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