Mosolov S.N. Yaltonskaya P.A. Senko O.V. Angst J.
Journal of affective disorders reports
Bipolar disorder (BD), particularly BD-II, is frequently misdiagnosed as recurrent depressive disorder (RDD) because past hypomanic episodes are missed. The self-report Hypomania Checklist-32 (HCL-32) is a sensitive and reliable instrument with validated transcultural stability for detecting a history of hypomanic symptoms. The 33-item Hypomania Checklist (HCL-33) is a slightly modified version of the HCL-32. Alongside the HCL-33
self-report version, a new instrument for external assessment was developed. The objective was validation of the psychometric properties and the accuracy of the Russian version of the HCL-33 to identify BD in patients with a current diagnosis of RDD.
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