Современная дефектология: междисциплинарный подход к решению научных и практических вопросов нарушения развития речи у детей
Устный доклад на международной конференции
Московский институт психоанализа
Московский институт психоанализа
The paper considers the issue of changing the vector of laterality of cognitive
processes in local brain lesions. The influence of time post-onset and lesion size on brain reorganization is described. The right hemisphere lateralization of speech in the dichotic listening task in aphasia is analyzed. The article pictures the intact hemisphere modus operandi in solving cognitive tasks in unilateral brain lesions. The dynamic of changes in the profile of functional asymmetry in the right hemisphere lesions compares with the left one. The suppression symptom of the undamaged hemisphere during speech recovery is shown. The paper discusses the principles of complementarity and reciprocity in interhemispheric interaction.
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